Don’t Let the Fear of Having Another Baby Stop You!

Yesterday my baby turned 11 weeks old. He’s doing great. He’s already sleeping through the night, he’s got a healthy appetite, he loves to play, he handles visits to the doctor and shots like a champ, he doesn’t really cry in general, and although he is teething, he finds a way to keep himself together.Continue reading “Don’t Let the Fear of Having Another Baby Stop You!”

Don’t Stand in Front of the Microwave

This morning, like many, I woke thinking about the many nuggets of wisdom I still need to share with my kids. I find that if I’m not consciously thinking about this, I can look up and a whole year will have passed before I remember something I should have taught them a long time ago.Continue reading “Don’t Stand in Front of the Microwave”

The Private School Diversity Struggle

**Note: I’m defining diversity in terms of ethnic diversity unless otherwise stated.** I am the product of a predominately White private school in Atlanta, The Westminster Schools. I was one of two Black girls, maybe three for a few years, in our grade from sixth until graduation. In middle school, I remember sitting in aContinue reading “The Private School Diversity Struggle”

How to Prepare Kids: When Life Happens

(Written several weeks ago) Life happens folks. And it’s happening bigtime for me these days. And by happening, I don’t mean in a good, fun way. I mean the tough stuff. The stuff that challenges everything you know to be true. The stuff that tests your faith and piles up conflicting emotions like a JengaContinue reading “How to Prepare Kids: When Life Happens”

Your Mama Is An Outsider

It finally hit me. I am an outsider. I’ve felt different more times than I care to count but until recently I’ve not given it much thought or embraced the notion of being an outsider. When I was born, my older twin siblings didn’t want much to do with me as they had each other.Continue reading “Your Mama Is An Outsider”

What I Hide on Social Media

I have a fabulous life. No really, I do. I have two amazing children, a loving husband and family, good friends, and many interests. I get to travel to amazing places, meet amazing people, and do amazing things. Mostly, I get to raise my children and revel in the routine of going outside to playContinue reading “What I Hide on Social Media”

The Things We Tell Our Children

Last school year my daughter, Gigi, came home distraught one afternoon—she had her first misunderstanding with a good friend. It was drama filled and in her young mind, she didn’t think they would ever be friends again. She didn’t have perspective, just hurt feelings and sadness. Like most young children, all was better within aContinue reading “The Things We Tell Our Children”